Xcoding with Alfian

Software Development Videos & Tutorials

Create Swift DocC Documentation & Deploy to GitHub Pages Static Site Hosting

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In this video, we are going to learn and have a hands on with DocC to create rich documentation for Swift Framework and host it to GitHub Pages Static Hosting Site.

Here are the main features that we will build in this full tutorial video:

  • Create a Swift library using Swift Package Manager.
  • Add document annotation to the source code for type, initializer, property, and method.
  • Create Document Catalog.
  • Create Framework Landing page.
  • Create Articles page.
  • Create topics section with symbol and document linking.
  • Add image with dynamic dark mode support to document catalog.
  • Generate doccarchive file using xcodebuild via CLI.
  • Use Xcode 13.3 docc to generate static hosting files via CLI.
  • Create GitHub Pages to your repository.
  • Upload static hosting files to your GitHub repo.