Xcoding with Alfian

Software Development Videos & Tutorials

Video Tutorial - WidgetKit Series - Building Covid19 Stats Widget in iOS 14

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In this video tutorial series, we'll learn on how to build Covid19 Stats Widget using the WidgetKit framework introduced in iOS 14. YouTube Channel.

Part 1 - Building COVID-19 API Stats Widget UI | Static Configuration

In this tutorial video, we'll learn all about WidgetKit by building the Widgets UI from scratch to complete. The widget support all the sytem family sizes and use Static Configuration.

Part 2 - Add SiriKit Intent Configurable Parameter

In the second part of the WidgetKit tutorial series, we will extend the COVID-19 stats Widget to use Intent Configurable Widget that accepts custom country parameter.

Part 3 - Widget Bundle & Deeplink URL

In the third part of the WidgetKit tutorial series, we’re going to add support for different kind of widgets with Widget Bundle & Deeplink URL to the Covid19-Stats App.